hands at work: right hand on computer mouse, left on keyboard

Health Policy Template

Creating a best-practice health policy can be hard…we’ve made it easy!

Would you like a health policy that could provide your families and staff high-quality guidelines to keep kids healthy? Use the Health Policy Template and personalize it to fit your needs. The template is designed in keeping with Caring for Our Children, a collection of national best health & safety practices for early care and education developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, and National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. The ECHC team, working with the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, developed this health policy template to support early childhood care & education providers in providing quality child care in Wisconsin.

The wizard is an online tool that will help you customize the Health Policy Template for your center with ease. It is available in English and Spanish. Your custom entries will be saved throughout the policy, making next time you visit that much easier. When you are ready, you can print your policy in both Word and pdf formats. We hope this wizard tool makes your health policy review as amazing as magic!

Launch the Health Policy Template Wizard Tool 

State of Wisconsin with two hands holding to make a heart shape

Need assistance in using the wizard online tool? Select the tile below to view the guide or reach out to the ECHC team with any questions.

View Wizard Tool Guide

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