Consulting the Rainbow: Updates to the Wisconsin Childhood Communicable Diseases Chart

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Zoom Webinar
@ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Registration Link

ECHC December 2024 Webinar Flyer titled, Consulting the Rainbow: Updates to the Wisconsin Childhood Communicable Diseases Chart

Can you picture the colorful Wisconsin Childhood Communicable Diseases Chart hanging on your child care program’s wall? Did you know it was recently updated?

Dr. Suzanne Gibbons-Burgener, Infectious Diseases Epidemiologist with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, will share key considerations around the update, including how to find the most recent version and the three key criteria for when children may need to be sent home from care due to illness.

Time will be available following the presentation for live question and answer, including with Dr. Dipesh Navsaria (Pediatrician & ECHC Director). Join the ECHC again this month in exploring best health and safety practices for early childhood care and education.

Speaker Bio

Webinar Registration



Desafortunadamente, debido a retrasos administrativos inesperados con nuestro proveedor, el programa de Consulta de Salud en la Primera Infancia no puede ofrecer interpretación en español en vivo durante el próximo seminario web de noviembre. Pedimos disculpas por las molestias. El seminario web de noviembre se grabará y estará disponible en nuestro canal de YouTube con subtítulos en español.

Esperamos resolver los desafíos de reserva de interpretación lo antes posible. Sabemos lo importante que es tener interpretación en español para algunos miembros de nuestra comunidad y estamos trabajando arduamente para asegurarnos de tenerla disponible de manera constante.

Nota: Se utilizó traducción en línea para esta traducción para ofrecer una comunicación acelerada. Esperamos ofrecer traducciones profesionales en el futuro.



Unfortunately, due to unexpected administrative delays with our vendor, the Early Childhood Health Consultation program is unable to offer live Spanish interpretation during the upcoming November webinar. We apologize for the inconvenience. The November webinar will be recorded and available on our YouTube channel with Spanish closed captioning.

We hope to resolve the interpretation reservation challenges as soon as possible. We know how important having Spanish interpretation is to some of our community, and we are working hard to ensure we have it available consistently.

Note: Online translation was used for this translation to offer an expedited communication. We hope to offer professional translations moving forward.